Thursday, January 24, 2013

Finding my voice.

I KNOW, I am the world's worst blogger. I always forget about this thing, because I'm too busy talking to everyone on Facebook, and finding ridiculous T Shirts. There will eventually be a point to this blog, but as I'm Hoho wasted, it may take me a little while to get to the point.

I'm kidding. Here it is. My late night insight. (I'm a poet.)

In our world today, EVERYONE is a blogger. EVERYONE has their own Facebook page. We are all looking to find our place in the world, to be heard, to be SEEN. I don't really want any of that. On a cold day last December, I was bored. That is my explanation for SarcasMom. I WAS BORED. It was a joke. I thought to myself, "hey, I'll probably forget about it in a week anyway, if anyone even bothers to look at the page." Boy, was I wrong. I started less than two months ago, and I'm now dangerously close to the 2,000 fan mark. Really? I'm a single mom, with three kids, who works ALL THE TIME. And i'm POPULAR? I honestly don't get it. Don't get me wrong, I love my page. I love all the interaction I get with random strangers (it's an issue for me.), I love when we do Mommy Freak Outs, and all of you decide to reach out to one another to help without judgement, I REALLY love when you guys like my posts, it makes me feel so cool :). BUT, I want to point out a few negative things about me, so you all know I'm not some kind of super hero. And bitches love lists.


1. I'm really shy in person. If I met you on the street, I would probably duck my head and run into oncoming traffic. I just hide behind this alter ego I dreamed up, and it gives me super powers.

2. I have two failed marriages. I will admit it, I'm in love with love. I love the feeling of new romance, being swept off my feet, the whole fairy tale princess bullshit. Maybe I watched too much Disney as a child, who knows. My problem is, I have a Fix It complex. I find the most screwed up men, and decide they are my project. NOT ALWAYS, but those seem to be the men that stick. 

3. I have an emoticon addiction. Is there some kind of Anonymous class I can take for this? It's really an issue for me, and before I post a status update, I have to double check to make sure I didn't put thirty different smiley faces in. I don't know what is wrong with me. I need an intervention.

4. drawing a complete blank. This happens alot too, which is why the blog is so empty. I always think up these BRILLIANT things, then I forget to write about it, and I end up doing what I'm doing now, which is technically rambling about nothing at all.

ANYWAY....about finding your voice. There are so many ROCKSTAR mommy bloggers out there, how do you make yourself stand out? Well, you could take a page from my book, and post embarrassing pictures of yourself eating snack cakes, or wearing your AWESOME Tyrannosaurus Rex T shirt. Just BE YOURSELF. This may not be the person I show to the real world, but you guys get more of the REAL me than anyone does in person. I can totally open up to you, show you my crazy, and know that you will accept me for it. Thanks for that. 

Now that I've talked a whole lot of nothing, I'm gonna go. Why? Because I'm a sleepy momma, and I've embarrassed myself enough for the night. Bra is off, bed is calling :)


  1. (Don't mind the Big ole Basset Snout..that's just from my doggie blog)This is Carolyn Coppola posting! I don't have a mommy blog just my Minivans, Meltdowns & Merlot book at the moment! Anyway...I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE THIS POST! And now I'm gonna put 100 smiley faces cuz I have an emotional addiction too! :) :) :) okay well 3 is enough for now (I'm at work) And I spent my entire 20's trying to fix men! Thankfully I stumbled into my husband when I was on the brink of 30 and he "fixed" me...sorta! Thank You for being YOU!!!!!!!

  2. Love your fb page, love your blog & love you! Hmm, sounds kinda creepy but it is what it is! :P haha!
