Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 2: To my "crush"

Now.....this one is a toughie. Do I write it to the man friend, or to Jeffrey Dean Morgan?  Decisions......

Dear man-friend, (come on now, JDM KNOWS I love him.)

Thank you. For what? Everything. For making me realize that there is something worth fighting for. For putting a perpetual smile on my face. For showing me that love is happy, and wonderful and emotional, and HARD, but so totally worth it.

Not long ago, I was a single mom, not even remotely interested in meeting someone, dating, or finding a serious relationship. Then you came along and changed my perspective on life. You made me realize that I deserve to be happy, and whole, you make me a better and more complete person. I've never had someone I can trust with everything, and be completely ridiculous with. I've never had anyone tell me that I am the most beautiful thing in the world when I wake up until you did. There were some other "firsts" that we will keep between us *wink wink* but you have opened my eyes to a whole new world of happy. I couldn't ever begin to repay you for that.

I'm gonna try though. By loving you as hard and long as I can. Which should be just about forever, according to my calculations. :)

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